Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Wherein Bry admits to dirty thoughts.

I have a terribly embarrassing habit when it comes to books and movies. Of recent note, this habit reared its head while watching the new Star Trek and, more recently, reading the Bones series by Kathy Reichs.

At various points into the action of these books and that movie, I grew bored. And when I start to lose interest, I begin to imagine the main characters engaging in naked hugging.

The only thing that powers me through the hours of reading and watching is the fervent hope that someone is going to do it.

I was pretty vocal in my review of Star Trek, saying "I kept wondering when they were going to do it."

How can the main character be as hot as Chris Pine and get absolutely no action? Well, on-screen snogging. They eluded to off-screen revelry. But I sat through more than two hours of space, technology, and weird aliens, and was rewarded with one small scene between Kirk and some green chick. Are you kidding me? Gross.

My need for sex scenes is not universal. I prefer the movies to be well written, directed and acted. But if I am bored, then I need something to look forward to. And that means shirtless, pantsless hotties getting it on.

Right now I am reading the Kathy Reichs mysteries that inspired the Bones series on Fox. They are very interesting and somewhat well written. At times the plot drags with weighty anthropology and forensic terms. During these times, I keep hoping the hero clears the exam table with one muscular arm and then throws the heroine down on the table and jumps her.

But I am five books into the series and they had one brief makeout session. Come on people! The only way to balance the smarty-pants lab investigations is with some steamy humping. Well played, Reichs, well played. I have six more books in the series to find out if these two idiots ever get together.

If this peculiar habit makes me a bit of a perv, then I guess that is my lot in life. And I will have to accept that I probably won't stumble across a sex scene in Confederates in the Attic.

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