Sunday, January 9, 2011

Today I left work in the worst mood. I put on my headphones, but all the music sucked. I wanted it to rain so I could splosh about in my boots, but the sky was annoyingly clear.

I stared straight into the moon, took a deep breath, and started walking.

All my thoughts were dark, and just as I started to rethink this post-work walk, my phone beeped.

Two texts.

I love you.

From my mom.

You are amazing.

From CJ.

I've been so unhappy this week. And lonely. It has been a crappy week both professionally and personally.

I can always count on my mom to read my mind and reach out when I need her the most.

I just want to lay down in the cold, wet, wintery grass until my entire body is numb.  Until I can be an emotional wasteland.

But instead I called my mom and talked to her about normal things. And I called CJ and laughed as he told me about discovering his grandma's secret lover.

And I walked, and I walked, and I walked.

And I knelt down to feel the grass. I ran the soaking blades through  my fingers, and I was grateful.

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