Thursday, February 3, 2011

Today I was watching Bones. Again. You can pretty much assume I watch it every day. Let that soak in. Now shake it off. You don't want to be focusing in on what a crazer I am. Just be happy it is not Pride & Prejudice. I can't watch P&P anymore because I wore out my disc.

Oh Jesus. I really am a spinster, aren't I?

You now, I've developed an unhealthy attachment to two cats owned by friends. Buttons, who scorns me, and Finn, who might like me, but only because I let him be mean to me and slap me on the head. This probably says a lot about my interpersonal interactions. 

If you want me to hang out with you, get a pet. It is a sure fire way to get me over to your house.

Anyways, as I was watching Bones, I realized the 2nd reason I love the show is how much I identify with Brennan. Whether I am as rational and unemotional as she is debatable. But her fierce independence and forthright attitude are something I covet.

Obviously, the first reason I love Bones is because Booth is hot.

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