Saturday, January 9, 2010

Wherein #5 of 30 is going well.

Project Update: 30 New Things

#5: Jogging

In my last blog about jogging, I was pretty casual about my progress and mentioned trivial side effects of the actual act of jogging.

In the few days since that blog, I have increased my research, interest and dedication to jogging. The success of #5 directly relates to #10: Lose 30lbs.

To achieve #10, I need to lose 3.25lbs per month. This is a small monthly goal that I can meet by jogging and eating healthier.

I would like to lose more than 30lbs (30 new things, 30th birthday, you see the pattern?) and secretly that is what I am shooting for. Of course, I should probably weigh myself this week so I have my starting weight.

Back to the previously mentioned new found dedication. Yesterday I did what I always do when I am trying to figure something out. I found a good book to tell me how things should work.

So today I started a 10 week jogging program that will gently increase my jogging times and distance. It is a very easy program involving a continuous cycle of walking a few minutes then jogging a few minutes. A rudimentary process, something GM and I even talked about last week, but I think it will work. And there was a spreadsheet diagram! (I'm kind of in love with Excel documents.)

I did the first level tonight on the treadmill at the gym. I think it will work best to do it on the treadmill for the first week or so. The programming on the machine made it easy and I was able to watch TV while I ran.

The gym I speak of is the small workout room here in the apartment complex. It is the size of a small living room with a treadmill, weight machine, exercise bike, and stairmaster crammed into it. EB swears she never sees anyone in there but I have had to share the room with someone the 3 times I went in there this week. I'm hoping these people will go back to being lazy, after the New Year's Resolution buzz wears off.

Yesterday I had to watch a woman in Uggs jog. Today there was a teenage boy in boxer shorts. Plus a young mom with her toddler running around while she lifted weights.

I am starting to like the process, I am getting better and this new routine is a great way to measure improvement. Much better than my willy nilly plan of just running around the streets of my neighborhood. Plus, I have been doing a little extra on the stairmaster, a machine I absolutely hate.

1 comment:

  1. Bry - I would say I am proud of you, but as you know I am dead inside. You are inspiring me to get out and be active now too. My race is in March, and I need to get training or I'll probably have a heart attack. Why don't you send me your running plan and I can steal some ideas.
