Thursday, January 7, 2010

Wherein Bry spends the day doing absolutely nothing.

Today was day 2 of the days off. Like normal, I did absolutely nothing. I struggle to think of things I should be doing on my days off.

I will pretend that sleeping all day and watching five hours of the Gilmore Girls is exactly what I should be doing.

Mom has kept me updated on Fatty's recovery from her surgery. Apparently she is like a whole new dog.

She is shaved on her neck and one side where her biggest lump was. She has about 50 stitches.

Mom said that after a day or so of lethargy, she is now back to normal running around and being her normal old, fat self. Perhaps with a little more energy.

I'm happy she is doing so well. Sixteen is old for a dog, but Tyra has always been fat and happy. And it looks like she will be fat and happy for a bit longer.

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