Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Wherein Bry runs for her life.

Just back from the gym. I was almost there for more than an hour. But then a really tall hot man saved me by showing up to lift some weights. So I immediately left.

As I was hoofing it on the stairmaster, I thought "This would go so much better if there was a seat on this thing." But a pedaling machine with a seat is called a bike. And unless Lance Armstrong is standing right next to me sweating on me, I don't believe in riding bikes indoors. So I sucked it up and pretended there was a hot man waiting thirty floors up in the stairwell of the burrito factory.

I'm currently sitting in a nest of dirty clothes on my floor watching 30 Rock for the 1000th time. I like to imagine I am a fancy bird sitting in my nest. In reality, I'm a borderline hoarder with delusions of grandeur.

I've moved on to the 30 Rock DVD extras. And they shared the interesting tid bit that when LL Cool J guested on the show he gave them all copies of his Fitness/Abs book. Last week this scruffy old man (probably 40) came in to buy a copy of the LL Cool J book and reserve a copy of the new one coming out next month. The whole time I kept thinking, Does this old man watch NCIS:LA (or whatever NCIS LL is on)? Or is he really just a fitness buff and does not realize LL is anything more than a pretty face with rockin' abdominals?

I guess when LL Cool J showed up with ab muscles, people assumed he took steroids to get them. So his books are supposed to be vindication for the "haters". How did I get off on this LL tangent? I know way too much about this topic.

I think working with books I have no interest in has ruined me for life.

Maybe LL Cool J can be the man in the burrito factory waiting thirty flights up.

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