Two blogs back to back? Well the first one was a little Lifetime Movie of the Week, rah-rah sisterhood-y. So here is the real Bry.
Last night I got drinks with AM, who I never can get enough time with. That lady is amazing and I wish I worked at her store if only to see her (and LM of course).
On the way there, my phone died and I was running late so she was convinced I was the deads. Nope, just me being a hobo.
And during the time I was running over to JBC, I had been mid-texting with JG. So needless to say, by the time I got home around one, he also thought I was dead.
Lucky for all of you, I am alive to blog another day.
This morning I was trying to think of something funny to say to a friend and I realized I'm not funny in an on demand kind of way. My funny is organic.
Speaking of funny, there is a man sitting across from me on the bus and he is not wearing a shirt. Now that is a real hobo. Or just a douche bag. I can't decide.
I talked to AA in the middle of the night and he was uncharacteristically sweet to me which leads me to believe Armageddon is on the way.
So gird your loins and stock pile some beef-a-roni.
Should I stock pile the beef-a-roni in my aforementioned girded loins or the pantry?